President Obama Congratulates Mali On Its Presidential Elections

President Obama
President Obama At Interfaith Church In Boston
This “Statement by the President on the Presidential Elections in Mali” if from The White House:

On behalf of the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Mali and President-elect Ibrahim Boubacar Keita on a successful election on August 11. Through the Interim Government’s management of a peaceful, inclusive, and credible electoral process, and with the extraordinary turnout of the Malian people, this election has helped restore Mali’s democratic tradition. We encourage the candidates and their supporters to accept the results, and to use this election as a foundation for further progress on democracy, national reconciliation, and addressing the security and humanitarian crises in the north. The United States stands with the people and government of Mali as they work to advance peace and stability in Mali and the region. We look forward to working closely with the new government to broaden and deepen the ties between our two nations.

Stay tuned.

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