President Obama, First Lady, Family Leave Cape Cod, Board Air Force One

President Obama And First Lady arrived for vacation one week ago.
President Obama And First Lady arrived for vacation one week ago.
President Obama left Cape Cod after a week’s vacation just moments ago.

According to the travel pool report filed by Carol Lee of The Wall Street Journal, Marine One was wheels down at Cape Cod Coast Guard Air Station at 9:16pm.

Lee reports that it’s raining steadily. The President, First Lady Michelle Obama, Sasha, Malia and two other unidentified little girls emerged from Marine One at 9:20pm.

Sasha, Malia and two other unidentified little girls boarded Air Force One first. The President and First Lady Michelle Obama walked behind them, with President Obama carrying a black umbrella over the two of them. The kids didn’t need umbrellas…

President Obama then broke off and jogged over to a group of people behind a barricade on the tarmac. An AF official took over umbrella duty for Michelle Obama and escorted her up the stairs. Michelle Obama was wearing a white cardigan and a light-colored dress. President Obama wore khakis and a casual jacket.

Air Force One will be wheels up for Andrews shortly.

UPDATE: The Obamas Reach The White House And Home

Marine One landed on the South Lawn of The White House at 10:57. President Obama emerged first, stopping at the steps to salute the Marine and waited there for the First Lady.

Michelle Obama was followed by the first daughters and two other girls, all carrying sports and/or shopping-like bags.

They were in The White House by 10:59 PM EST, and that brings the Obama Family Vacation 2013 to a close.

Stay tuned.

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