Hannah Anderson, Jim DiMaggio, Condoms? San Diego County Sheriff Covers-Up Truth

hannah The Hannah Anderson story of being kidnapped by James Lee DiMaggio, or Jim DiMaggio here, is getting stranger, and with the latest revelations, it’s clear the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office is covering-up the truth.

And that truth appears to be that Hannah Anderson is telling a story only a 16-year-old could weave, who’s afraid of publicly admitting that she was having an affair with her father’s best friend – one that led to the murder of her parents by a sick Jim DiMaggio.

Look, who could blame Hannah Anderson, as she’s a 16-year-old that seems to have been caught up in a 30-year-old woman’s habits, but more to the point, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office should not be hiding parts of the investigation, and revealing others. They’re trying to create a simple story where one doesn’t exist, yet the truth gets in the way – tell it like it is.

When we read that letters from Hanna to James Lee DiMaggio were found, along with used condoms, and the a blood and a crowbar was next to the body of Hannah Anderson’s mother Christina Anderson, we’re going to have a ton of questions. Especially, if we’re being given a bill-of-goods that this was just a kidnapping crime. The bottom line is, this was more complex than that, and it’s the duty of the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office to stop trying to advance the idea that Hannah Anderson was some kind of virgin white blonde girl they have to protect.

The real Hannah Anderson is duplicitous: on the one hand, she talks that Jim DiMaggio is creepy, yet she goes to Hollywood and reportedly a “day trip” to Malibu with him? All of that can’t be just because he’s her father’s best friend and it’s clear that there was an incomplete parenting job at work.

That’s not at all to be thought of as excusing what James Lee DiMaggio did one bit. But it’s to hammer home a point that we’re clearly not dealing with perfect people here, so why try to present them that way?

Frankly, American society has been force-fed enough Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus short-shorts photos to have been long released from such ideas of teenage female innocence, especially when the victim looks like the fashion embodiment of every Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus music video.

Let the story form, and let the public, which contains teens who’ve seen more than their share of weird stories of movie shootings and rapper / socialite sex tapes, form their own conclusions.

They can take it.

Stay tuned.

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