Comic Con Day Two: Walking Vlog With Dexter Fan

Comic Con day two starts with the typical family taking photos outside, and dressed in superhero attire. That’s what happened when I decided to walk from my hotel room to the San Diego Convention Center.

What’s interesting about Comic Con is the number of fans who really know about the properties they follow. One example is a man who stopped me and seemed to know everything about the Showtime series Dexter . This video contains just a few seconds of a much longer video, which could have been even longer had I not put the breaks on him.

Putting the breaks on Dexter fan allowed me to meet a woman who was walking behind me, then sped up and so we were abreast of each other. Dressed in top-hat, and fish-net stockings, this was not her first Comic Con. And so over the year’s she’s noticed, with dismay, the decline in comics as a part of Comic Con, and the rise of Hollywood movies. “I feel sorry for the comic book people because they don’t get any attention.”

She’s right.

The problem is that it’s human nature for one to flock toward that which they’ve heard of before. Television and movie properties with large budgets get that kind of exposure and benefit from it at Comic Con. On the other hand, social media is a big asset to comics properties that have small budgets, or no budgets at all.

Stay tuned.

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