SteamPunk Scooter At Comic Con 2013; Zachary Levi Looks Angry; Thorpe Is Here!

SteamPunk Scooter At Comic Con 2013.

Comic Con 2013 is an incredible presentation of the talents of just ordinary people. Take this SteamPunk Scooter. I discovered it after the device almost ran over me while at the Comic Con Preview tonight. The woman was riding it, and said her husband, who was walking in front of me, made it.

As it happens, a search revealed that it’s not the only SteamPunk Scooter of its kind around. There are a handful that have been made since 2008, when SteamPunk really started to take off as almost a way of life.

There’s a lot more here at Comic Con 2013, where MARVEL’s grip on the ad space seems all-incompassing. The Amazing Spider Man 2 covers The Hard Rock Hotel, and a television screen announces that Spidee’s villian Electro, played in the upcoming movie by Jamie Foxx, announces that he will be at Comic Con July 19th.

That’s Thursday in Hall H.

Other Comic Con-related happenings: Zachary Levi walking into the Hard Rock Hotel with a scowl and his cap pulled down over his face as a small group of people followed him, and took his photo.

As that happened, my back was to the action, as I was headed to get my press badge. The people taking his photo were in front of me and as it turns out, he was behind me. So, by the time I turned around and figured out what was happening, he turned into the hotel.

To be honest, chasing Zachary Levi for his photo wasn’t first priority for me. After all, I went to his NERD HQ party last year and it was kick-ass. Unless I get to talk with him for my vlog without chasing him down, I’d rather let the man have his peace.

Many Small Vendors Need Attention

As much as the big entertainment companies like MARVEL / Disney seem to define Comic Con, my interest in the small businesses that are working to make a go of it here. So, you’re going to read more about them in the coming days. And moments.

For example, there’s Jaron Bettis, who’s the first cousin of former NFL Running Back Jerome Bettis, who’s here presenting the first of a nine volume series of books called Children Of The Stars.

There’s also a dating site for geeks called

And my friend Stephanie Thorpe is here, and will moderate a panel of web series experts at on Thursday, July 18th at 7:30PM in room 24ABC – it’s called Web Creators Assemble!

More Soon!

I’m heading out for a late bite, and who knows what will happen in the way of sitings. But I have to make up for missing one party already. Hey, my cell phone was out of power, and my camcorder was full – recharge time!

Stay tuned.

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