Carolyn Moos Seeks Lost Wedding: Jason Collins Gay Talk Becomes Media Courting

Carolyn Moos
Carolyn Moos
Carolyn Moos has just installed the latest effort in her attempt to gain answers for how Jason Collins treated her. This time, in her quest to gain fame from eight years of being with Jason Collins before he dumped her at the alter, then revealed he was gay three years later, Moos has attracted the attention of Cosmopolitan Magazine to tell her story.

At this point, I have to publicly express my disappointment with Carolyn Moos, and tell some truths in the process. First, I certainly thank Carolyn for granting me the privilege of interviewing her for as long as 18 minutes:

But I must also say that Ms. Moos’ is seeking attention from certain types of media she regards as “big” and acts as a bully, or tries to be one, pushing out text messages on issues of content, and asking questions about web traffic, before she agrees to an interview – I passed the test.

But what I found particularly vexing concerned a photo of she and a man who looked so much like Jason Collins, it was used as part of an article in the UK Daily Mail.

In fact, the photo, which is in the video you see above, fooled me for two reasons: first, the man looked like Jason Collins, second, it was in The Daily Mail, which has since been corrected.

But by the time I realized my error, she saw that photo and started blasting everything I did as “inaccurate,” even though I made the correction and it’s clear in the video.

Think about it. How the hell can a video interview featuring Carolyn Moos talking be “inaccurate?” Moreover, she wasn’t referring to anything other than that, which was adjusted.

Carolyn Moos even had the nerve to get upset with me for posting a blog that she was in Atlanta having her eggs frozen, even as that is what she said she was going to do in our interview. She also got upset with me for saying she was going to write a book, when that information was first on her own website, and then repeated in other blogs and in The New York Post as her having a book deal.

The New York Post had it right: “Moos milking story.”

Reporters Didn’t Zoom In On Her; She Sought Them Out

Let’s put it this way: Carolyn’s comment in the Cosmopolitan that ““Reporters zoomed in on me, thrusting my name into the news,” was bullshit. Carolyn Moos wanted her name out there to take advantage of being connected with Jason Collins because he came out as gay three years after he broke up with her, and one month before they were to get married. Moos wanted to push her fitness consulting firm and I have text messages where she asked me to mention her company name and website to prove it.

And I did.

Jason Collins’ Ducking Moos Is Wrong, But..

I certainly get that Carolyn Moos is upset that, as she put it, “it has been several weeks since he told me his news and he has made no further time to talk, despite saying he would do so.

That Jason Collins’ is ducking Moos is classless, to be sure. If anything they should talk about medical issues, because the question has to come up in her mind if he was sleeping with a man or two while sleeping with her. Mr. Collins owes it to Moos to clear the air.

But if Carolyn really wants closure – if she’s really upset about what Jason did, she should go to court and sue him for damages, and stop this media horing, or more to her liking, courting.

The sad fact is that Moos’ window of search interest in her story is gone. Where she was at 100 in Google Insight for Search on May 1, 2013, she at zero now, as the chart shows:

The only way Carolyn Moos could get back to that level or near it would be to release a sex tape, or appear in public with Jason Collins.

There’s a reason Jason Collins’ is avoiding her, and as much as it does make him out to look like a total asshole, on the other hand, Moos didn’t try to find him until he became famous. She told me, and this is in the video, that she stayed away from him.

Carolyn Moos Is Right About The Need For Talk

Carolyn Moos is certainly correct that there should be a public dialog about how some gay men mask their sexual intentions and hook-up with women. Personally, I think there should be a public shaming of such activity.

Carolyn Moos’ is as good as anyone to start the dialog, but she also needs to be honest about her own promotional intention, and stop trying to treat bloggers like me as her personal PR minions.

Moos tried to control even what a blogger like me says in their blog posts. It’s no wonder Twitter tweets like this one pop up:

Carolyn should seek court as a remedy, because this constant chase for media attention just isn’t going well.

Stay tuned.

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