Anna Chapman Wants To Marry Edward Snowden; Glenn Greenwald Attitude Forms Enemies

Anna Chapman
Anna Chapman used Twitter to say she wants to marry Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower. But really, who cares that Anna Chapman, the alleged Russian spy who was living in America before being outed three years ago, wants to have a hookup or marriage with Edward Snowden? If anything, such an association should be unwanted by Edward Snowden, because it would be a clear signal that he was acting against American interests all the time.

Someone else thought to be acting against American interests is Guardian UK blogger Glenn Greenwald. Now, this blogger personally likes what Glenn Greenwald has done in giving Edward Snowden a platform – but it would be nice if Glenn Greenwald would be nice to his critics. It seems like every time I turn around, of late, Greenwald’s throwing a verbal spitball at someone who asked a question about his activist intentions in covering the Edward Snowden PRISM story. Glenn comes of as not-likeable, and as stupid as that sounds, it’s a key reason why so many journalists have attacked him.

The lesson, which many journalists don’t care to learn, is that you have to sell your self and what you do when taking on controversial subjects. Glenn needs allies, not enemies, and Internet trolls aren’t the answer.

Stay tuned.

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