Paula Deen: Smithfield Foods, Like Food Network, Drops; Gets Facebook Bombed

Paula Deen has been dropped by the Smithfield Foods organization out of Virginia, and just three days from Food Network’s decision not to renew Ms. Deen’s contract with the television organization when it expires.

Here’s the Zennie62 video explaining what happened:

This is the simple statement that Smithfield Foods released:

“Smithfield condemns the use of offensive and discriminatory language and behavior of any kind. Therefore, we are terminating our partnership with Paula Deen.”

And that’s that.

Paula Deen Racist Words Don’t Mix With The Media

That Smithfield Foods, a relatively not well know food brand, would take the action of pulling its sponsorship from Paula Deen shows to what degree American Business wants nothing to do with any hint of racism that may come from someone it represents in any way. That’s what Paula Deen’s vocal and active fans don’t seem to get.

Now, like what they did to Food Network, Deen’s fans have taken to bombarding the Smithfield Foods’s Facebook Page. Here’s some choice comments:

Crystal Higgins Well I hope you like losing business because losing Paula Deen = Lost business… I will definitely spread the word…Let me ask this have u never had to issue a recall and expect people to give u a second chance because all Paula Deen has asked is to be forgiven for a slip of the tongue not even recently and this is how u treat her GOOD BYE FOREVER SMITHFIELD FOODS…..

Pamela Sanderson You are so wrong in drpping Paula Deen…You can’t tell me that you never said something bad….you probably did but didnt get caught!! Everybody deserves to have a second chance! At least she didn’t sell out the chinese! I am glad I don’t buy your product and I will make sure that my family doesn’t buy it either!!
Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hours ago

Rose Pryor Have always gone out of my way to buy Eckrich and Farmland NEVER again! Paula Deen was the best thing that ever happened to your company!
Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hours ago

Brenda Credeur Moyer Okay, just stopped by this FB page to tell Smithfield Foods that my family and I will NO LONGER BUY ANY PRODUCT YOU SELL!!. If you are so self righteous and judgmental about something said (that you didn’t even HEAR!) so many years ago, then I see no reason to support your company who is in bed with CHiNA!! The worst place in the world for human rights abuse!! I never knowingly bought any of your food until I saw Paula Deen’s commercials for them. But I will certainly not buy another thing that you make! Apparently, if we follow your way of thinking, then you are in agreement with the Chinese politics and their way of treating their citizens. You guys REALLY SHOULD HAVE STAYED OUT OF THIS!! This politically correct BS has gone too far…live by the word, die by the sword. Last year we bought 50 hams to give out to our clients for holiday season! And that doesn’t even include our family’s personal consumption. This year=ZIP! Done with you Smithfield. You are too “correct” for me!
Like · Reply · 4 · 14 hours ago

Nancy Ashby Elsworth SHAME ON SMITHFIELD FOODS for caving/bowing to “public opinion” and dropping Paula Deen from your line of advertising. While it will pain me to not purchase some of your products because I do like them, you’ve lost this customer. . . What? EVERYONE at Smithfield is P.E.R.F.E.C.T. and has NEVER made a mistake, or uttered something they’ve regretted later? In the words of Teddy Roosevelt, “Bully for you!” Hope you’re proud of your self-righteous and sanctimonious selves.
Like · Reply · 8 · 17 hours ago

Stay tuned.

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