Nik Wallenda Grand Canyon Skywire Walk : You Watched To See Him Fall

Nik Wallenda did the impossible in walking part of the Grand Canyon on his “Skywire,” 1,500 feet long and high above the part of the Grand Canyon that is over the Navaho Nation. Admit it. You watched Nik Wallenda, who walked without support or a harness, and carrying a pole, just to see him fall, didn’t you? I did not.

Nik Wallenda did his stunt just one day after Jane Wicker, the wing walker, died doing just that at The Dayton Air Show in Ohio. That’s not something this blogger wanted to see, the chance for death failure before millions. God was with Nik Wallenda over The Grand Canyon, no question about it.

I just ask his wife and kids to ask him to stop. He’s planning a skywire over Manhattan, and from The Empire State Building To The Chrysler Building.


Stay tuned.

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