Mad Men Season 6 In Care Of : John Hamm, Don Draper And His Fall

dondraper The Mad Men Season 6 Episode “In Care Of” marks the end of the AMC series for 2013, and gives a big nod to 2014. It’s all about John Hamm as Don Draper, and this performance just might land him The Emmy. Don Draper’s battle with alcoholism leads to the shakes and to an eventual breakdown of sorts in a meeting with Hersey’s representatives.

In that meeting, Don, who was going to move to California after spending the night in jail sobering up after hitting a minister, decided not to move. But the decision to stay was countered by his own partners trying to push him out of Sterling Cooper & Partners, saying that he was on leave “indefinitely.”

Don visits his old home where he grew up, and is run-down and in a neighborhood that went from middle-class white to low-income black during the late 1960s.

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