Edward Snowden To Ecuador, Not Iceland; In Moscow Now

Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden’s visit to countries that have had issues with the United States continues. After leaving Hong Kong this morning, and with the aide of WikiLeaks members, Edward Snowden arrived in Moscow and is spending the night near the airport and is in the transit area, and not at the place of the Ecuador Embassy in Moscow.

According to CNN’s report just now, Snowden never actually touched Russian soil, which is what happens when a person passes customs in an airport. The earlier Zennie62 blog report had Snowden headed to Oslo, Norway, and not Ecuador, but Oslo human rights activists were reportedly ready to assist him. But Reuters reports that Snowden has asked for asylum in Ecuador, where WikiLeaks’ Founder Julian Assange has been for over a year, now.

Meanwhile, mainstream media reports that the U.S. Government is “outraged” that Hong Kong let Snowden leave, but I think that outrage was more represented by New York GOP Congressman Peter King, than anything else.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has worked to revoke the passport of Edward Snowden, but to no avail.

New York Senator Charles Schumer says that “China and Russia are putting a finger in the eye of The United States,” in letting Edward Snowden out of their country.

Stay tuned.

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