Chevron Ecuador: Steven Donziger On Judge Meeting, Amazon Watch Problem

Steven Donziger Update: 50 Pages Of Steven Donziger Diary Content

Donziger meets Correa
Donziger meets Correa
The latest Chevron Ecuador news would seem to point to implicative statements by Steve Donziger, the man who cooked up the fraud-based lawsuit against Chevron for oil production it never did, Texaco cleaned up, and Ecuador’s oil company failed to manage on its end.

In a document that was put online, and seems to be from his diary and found by this blogger via a Google search routine, Steven Donziger says in his diary that two of his plaintiffs lawyers, Paul and Luis met with a judge in a neighborhood restaurant near an airport.

The document also shows that Donziger admitted that Amazon Watch, the organization that has helped manage the public relations and community outreach associated with Donziger’s work in the lawsuit, did not represent all of the indigenous people, and admitted to a mistake in a communication. Moreover, it indicates that Donziger wasn’t exactly appreciative of Amazon Watch’s style, calling them “controlling.”

Steven Donziger: Problem with Amazon Watch again. Just found our letter Leila wrote to Kimerling’s group (Maharuk Nuahia) where they admitted mistakes and said the Frente does not represent all the afectados — handing a major victory to Kimerling. I wrote very strong letter in response, and I am pissed they did not show me this letter before. Luis is pissed too. They are so controlling — the Daryl Hannah trip coming up at the end of March

Here’s the document,

procedure require the judge to jump through a bunch of hoops to deal with this stuff before ordering the process.

On Friday night, Pablo and Luis met with the judge near the airport in his barrio in a restaurant. I was supposed to be there, but I couldn’t find it and they said not to come thru Lupita, and they could not contact me about the new address because I had lost my cell phone. Anyway, they showed up at the Hotel around 11 and we went out to get some Shushi. They love Noe because a bunch of sexy woman go there, and they like the table in the middle of the restaurant to get the best view of people walking out to smoke and go to the bathroom. (A different kind of near-nudity than the Huarani woman the first day of the triai.) I was really pissed off at the news they reported — that the judge still did not want to rule, he needed protection, that a magistrate from the Supreme Ct was coming on Thursday to check him out given the denunci as, etc. Clearly, Ts strategy is working.
The different pieces of the strategy to get us home have to work in concert, and the one element out of sync at the moment is the fact we don’t have the order to begin the PG. This is the one thing left; if we can get thru this, we should be home free.

March I

Judge still refuses to issue Providencia. Still problem with judge — no proviclencia yet, even though Pablo said it would come yesterday. Pablo returned to Lago and met with the judge. The secretary told him she got a call from an unknown magistrate of the Supreme Court telling him to slow down the environmental cases (our case and the OCP). We think this is complete bullshit; that nobody actually called, and that was part of Texaco’s pressure via the secretary. Further, these pressures to remove the judge have mysteriously and suddenly heated up again, and we think Texaco is behind them_ The bottom line is that the judge asked us for help to protect him, like we did last August_ And two days ago, the judge called Richard and asked him to recommend a perito, which seemed odd to me if we had set it up that Richard would be appointed, but according to Pablo it is likely part of the judge’s complicated plan to protect himself. In the meantime, all of our plans are on hold — the open shareholder’s letter, the press boletin both here and up in the EU, and our press conference. My first notification was around ll a.m.. We talked with Pablo again at 5 p.m., and I sort of realized at that point our precious equilibrium between inside/outside strategies is again out of whack. I just don’t believe Luis and Pablo get the public part enough. Clearly the judge is a weak man who lives in fear, and right now he fears issuing the Providencia more than he fears not issuing it. And I am sure Reis Veiga and his team are fighting for their damn lives. I am not sure if I want to go to Ambato on Friday_ I find this terribly frustrating — reminds me of the old days, and again reminds me of how hard it is going to be get our judgment even with everything in our favor.

Problem with Amazon Watch again. Just found our letter Leila wrote to Kimerling’s group (Maharuk Nuahia) where they admitted mistakes and said the Frente does not represent all the afectados — handing a major victory to Kimerling. I wrote very strong letter in response, and I am pissed they did not show me this letter before. Luis is pissed too. They are so controlling — the Daryl Hannah trip coming up at the end of March
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And this video shows “Pablo” being asked to meet with “a Supreme Court Judge”:

This is the best online news report and evidence yet, directly showing how Mr.Donziger was working to engineer an Ecuador court victory via meetings with judges, and deal making.

Stay tuned.

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