Technorati Blog Verification Still Suckingly Slow

Technorati is a long-time-in-existence (in blog directory and news aggregator that was originally started by David Sifry, who I finally had the pleasure of meeting in his post-Technorati days, and at the TechCrunch August Capital Party of 2008:

Then, was, but using to refresh to that site, and had a Technorati authority of 521. Then, I made the decision to switch from to, and that’s when my Technorati verification hell started.

In fact, three years later, I’m still in it.

Three years ago, I used Technorati’s claim system, posted a with a code in it, hit the verification button, and waited, and waited. And I waited.

I sent an email to Technorati support, and that did totally nothing. Zip. I ended up waiting for a full three years, or until I went back to Technorati tonight, and to discover the same claim request was sitting their, unanswered.


So, I decided, it was three years, let’s try again, right? And as I do, I get this warning about Technorati’s backlog, and how it’s going to take them a long time to get to it.

That’s rank silly. Such an approach can be automated with little trouble.

So, I hold out no hope – ZERO – that the Technorati support staff is any better this time around.

Please, prove me wrong.


I installed the code below…


… as part of the first version of this blog post. And clicking the “verify” button, again…

Now, Technorati sends an email which reads like this:

This is an automatically-generated email.

Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. Unfortunately, we have encountered a problem reading your site’s data. Please log into and go to to update any necessary site information and continue the claim process.

Thank you.


Stay tuned.

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