White House Benghazi Emails Release Show Susan Rice Was Scapegoat

susan_rice The White House has released a large file of emails related to the controversial Benghazi U.S. Embassy attacks on September 11th and September 12th of 2012. We have them here at Zennie62.com in this blog post.

Much of the email information has been covered up, but what is readable shows that, on page 10, it was the State Department and the CIA, and not the White House, that believed the attacks were related to the insulting anti-muslim video. They also reveal that U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice was indeed not the source of the assertion regarding the video, and that Congress itself was responsible for the misinformation that was being distributed via the media.

And before the overpolitization of that video issue started (leading GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney to look foolish in asserting that President Obama did not mention that it was a terrorist act, when he did say so) even military insiders like Paula Broadwell (who does classify as the ultimate insider) actually confirmed that the protest video was believed to be the catalyst for the Benghazi attacks:

The emails also reveal, on page 55, that the Tommy Vietor, of the FBI media and former NSC Spokeperson, blamed Congress and “people who not particularly informed,” and on May 15th, on Twitter, called out GOP Senators Kelly Ayotte, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain for what he called “unfair, personal attacks.”

Here’s the full set of 100 pages of emails:

White House Benghazi Emails by margafret

Stay tuned.

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