Stop Military Rape, Sign Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s Petition

showPicture.phpAccording to reports, The Pentagon says that from 19,000 in 2011 to 26,000 in 2012 – that comes to 71 sexual assaults daily, and in 56 percent of cases, the victims are men.

Now California Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D – San Jose) has joined with Courage Campaign to start a petition on the MoveON website.

Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s legislation called STOP (Sexual Assault Training Oversight and Prevention) Act takes the prosecution, reporting, oversight, investigation, and victim care of sexual assaults out of the normal military chain of command – which she says has proven grossly ineffective – and places jurisdiction in an autonomous Sexual Assault Oversight and Response Office.

That’s why she started the petition to the United States Congress, which says:

I stand with Congresswoman Jackie Speier in support of the Sexual Assault Training Oversight and Prevention Act (STOP Act) to end military rape.

Here’s the link: Sign The STOP Act Petition Now!

Stay tuned.

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