Josh Cribbs To Raiders? Mayor Quan’s Bodyguard; Oakland Workers Video: News

UPDATE: Quan And Husband Violate City Charter When He Drives Here Around.

A lot of Oakland news, from the Oakland Raiders trying to land Josh Cribbs to Oakland Local 21’s video saying “Enough Is Enough” – lets get to it.

Oakland Raiders Pursue Josh Cribbs

The Oakland Raiders invited Cleveland Browns Free Agent speedster Josh Cribbs in to its Alameda, California headquarters on Monday. After testing well in his physical, the Raiders offered Cribbs, the two-time pro bowler, a contract. But, as of this writing, Josh has not accepted the Raiders offer, and is still talking to other “interested” NFL teams as of this writing.

Oakland Mayor Quan’s Bodyguard Appears To Be Husband

At last Friday’s Art Murmur, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and her husband Dr. Floyd Huen were out and about, when a video-blogger representing a website called Copwatch came up to ask her questions related to that person’s perception that Oakland Police were harassing some Art Murmur attendees who were of color – a part of overall complaints related to Oakland’s increasingly perfectly mixed population, both in ethnicity and in income.

As one can see in the video, posted at (Was Oakland Mayor Quan’s Husband Driving Drunk In Art Murmur Video?), Floyd puts on the role of the Mayor’s bodyguard in trying to intervene between the video-blogger and Jean Quan. In effect, that makes Floyd the Mayor’s bodyguard, and by driving her around in their Toyota Prius, her driver – thus it also places him in a role that could be interpreted as a violation of the Oakland City Charter’s anti-nepotism provisions.

Since the language of the City Charter includes the words “for compensation in the administrative service of the city” Mayor Quan has an out: she can claim that Dr. Huen receives no payment from the City of Oakland.

Still, the minute Jean Quan hands Dr. Huen even a $5 bill to pay for gas, that’s the act of the Mayor compensating her loved one who’s in the act of driving her around in her capacity as the Mayor of Oakland.

And sets up the chance that Dr. Huen could be accused of getting behind the wheel after having had a drink. And while defenders say they’ve never seen Floyd Huen take a drink, that’s beside the point. The most important issue is that he placed himself in a position as Quan’s driver, and after a confrontation, of being accused of doing that.

Mayor Quan needs to get a real driver / bodyguard, and stop placing her husband in that role. If he has an accident, or another encounter like the one at Art Murmur, it could go very bad for her and for the City of Oakland.

Let’s not allow that to happen.

City Of Oakland Local 21 Workers Make A Video Saying ‘Don’t Forget Us”

Mayor Quan would do well to hire an Oakland Police officer, and give that person a chance to earn some extra money. Or perhaps someone from City of Oakland’s Local Union 21. After giving up as much as 25 percent of their income to help keep the city running, the Local 21 folks have had it. So, here’s the video, which is opened with the face of Zach Seal, who manages the Free Broadway Shuttle Program, and other City of Oakland workers like Mike Munson of KTOP.

All the City of Oakland Local 21 workers are saying is that they’re being bled to financial ruin by constant concessions, and while they support more police, it should not come at their expense. After all, they provide the other city services Oaklanders count on.

Or should.

Stay tuned.

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