Eric Reid Interview: SF 49ers NFL Draft 1st Round Pick, LSU

Eric Reid: SF 49ers NFL Draft 1st Round Pick – LSU

Eric Reid, the LSU Safety and college student, and father to a lovely young daughter, became the San Francisco 49rs 2013 NFL Draft 1st Round Pick. Here’s the full interview in text and video:

Q. Congratulations.

ED REID: Thank you so much.

Q. Talk a little bit about going to the NFC Champion San Francisco 49ers and what that means for you.

ED REID: It’s an honor. I mean, they traded up to get me. So I mean, I’m very fortunate to be on such a good defense. There are a ton of guys that I can go in and learn from, veteran guys that have been there. They know how to be professional athletes.

I just can’t wait to get to California and get to work.

Q. Have you been to San Francisco before?

ED REID: I’ve been to California before, not necessarily San Francisco. My mom is a traveling nurse. So she’s been flying back and forth to California since I was in about seventh grade. She knows the area pretty well. I’m sure she can show me around.

Q. Talk a little about the experience at school and what you learned from the coach because he’s one of the more colorful personalities in college football.

ED REID: I love Coach Miles. I’m so grateful for everything he’s done for me. All the coaches at LSU.

I’m an in‑state guy, so I’ve been so fortunate, so blessed to live out my dream to go to LSU and now to go to the NFL, and to be a part of such a great organization. I couldn’t ask for anything else.

Q. You met Coach Harbaugh?

ED REID: Funny story. He recruited me out of high school. Me and him, we joked at the Combine when I met him. He was making fun of me because I didn’t go to Stanford.

The story comes full circle, and he drafted me. I’m happy he drafted me.

Q. What do you know about the playbook he runs defensively?

ED REID: Nothing much really. He actually didn’t quiz me that much about it. He was very confident in my knowledge of the game. When I met with him, he just asked me to draw quarters, coverage on the board at the Combine, and I did that, and he was like, well, you can do it. We just chitchatted after that.

Q. Do you prefer to spy a quarterback, or do you prefer to lock up on the next guy after the two corners get the two top receivers?

ED REID: I prefer to be versatile. I like to do everything. I want to be a jack of all trades, do everything that my coaches need me to do ‑‑ whether that’s covering in the slot, being in the post, blitzing, I’m willing to do everything.

Q. When you think of the Niners defense, what are you thinking?

ED REID: Great players. Patrick Willis, who I’ve been watching for a long time. I remember I was on my recruiting trip, and he rolled up. Charles Scott at the goal line is a player that stuck with me watching him. I’ve been following them for a long time.

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