Julian Lennon Interview: On His New Release “Someday” Feat. Steven Tyler

Julian Lennon
Julian Lennon
Julian Lennon has a new song called Someday” and Karen Brown of StardustBlue Media has this exclusive interview with the legendary son of the late John Lennon.

“This is what we have been waiting for from Julian. “Someday” is deeply moving , spiritual and a tribute to many beautiful souls who either passed on or are still here making the world a better place.

The graphics and animation in the video are wrought with the psychedelic tangibility of a Peter Max meets Woodstock feel, yet, visually stepped into the future. An ethereal feeling of powerful strings and a doughy eyed chill rises up the back of one’s neck as we listen. “Someday” brings back so much of his father’s purity of reaching for global peace and the innocence of loving one another..

“Someday” features Steven Tyler harmonizing on background vocals. And we’ve also heard through the grapevine that singer, songwriter, producer, Gregory Darling, is also involved with the project. Indiestardust will certainly be getting more information for you on this inspiring new project from Mr. Lennon.”

Interview by Karen A. Brown.

KAB: How did you hook up with Steve Tyler for “Someday” ?

JL: We were staying in the same hotel, and as he walked into the hotel bar, I came up on his side, grabbed his elbow and said “Hello Mr Tyler, Mr Lennon here, the ‘Other’ Mr Lennon…
And it was all downhill from there…

KAB: A perfect moment! Sounds like a great time was had by all. The harmonies in “Someday” are so beautifully layered. How many tracks of backing vocals are in there?

JL: Not too many… I think there are 3 harmonies, or there abouts, that come & go… and they’re all probably layered 2-3 times…

KAB: Can you share with us how you came to the message in ” Someday”?

JL: Well, We were trying to consider a ‘Hopeful’ outlook and realised that, in every way shape & form, we all really felt the same & that ‘Someday’ one way or another, we would all have to come together… whether by our own process/demise, or by natural events… In a Nut shell…

KAB: The visuals in the video are spiritually moving and psychedelic in nature. Would you share with us a bit about the graphics and animation.

JL: Well the Lyrics denote a dream like & hopeful quality, so it was a question of bringing together those elements, but also drawing attention to problems we know exist, but again, as I’ve always done, I don’t want to push My thoughts, comments & ideas, down peoples throats… It was about laying a few images in front of the listener/viewer, for them to take away what they will from the video… Also wanting to draw on the Butterfly image too, which features throughout the Album Artwork & of course, represents Change…

KAB: Thank you Julian. ” Someday” is truly special. I know we are all looking forward to hearing the whole album which we know is going to be released soon. We will certainly keep our readers updated.

John and Paul

“Someday” by Julian Lennon

How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
Say a prayer and close your eyes
Someday, someday
Hope and pray we get it right
One day, one day
Everyone’s the same
(Everyone’s the same)
We get lost and we get broken
Isn’t it a shame,
(Isn’t it a shame)
Words unspoken

We’re all in it together
Someday, someday
One love, now and forever
Someday, someday
Wish our dreams could be as one
Someday, someday
Try to fix what we’ve undone
One day, one day

Nothing stays the same
When you’re lost and when you’re broken
All that’s left remains,
(All that’s left remains)
Words unspoken

We’re all in it together
Someday, someday
One love, now and forever
Someday, someday
We’re all in it together
Someday, someday
One love, now and forever
Someday, someday

Well it’s not about right or wrong
Of how far down the road we’ve gone
Oh, oh, it’s just about holding on

How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?

We’re all in it together
Someday, someday
One love, now and forever
Someday, someday
Say a prayer and close your eyes
If you don’t mind how many tries
It’s not your ship, you think you steer
What you believe just might appear
One love, now and forever
Someday, someday
We’re all in it together
Someday, someday
Say a prayer and close your eyes
If you don’t mind how many tries
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?

Buy “Someday “on ITunes USA
Buy “Someday” here ITunes UK

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