YetiZen GDC 2012 Party Promo Video Has Sexy Dancers From 2011 Event

The IGDA Sexy Party Controversy for 2013 is rounding to a close after CEO Sana N Choudary released a statement saying that there was a mistaken in identity of just who gave the sexy dancer party at San Francisco’s Ruby Syke Nightclub last week – turns out there were two parties at the same event, one by YetiZen on Tuesday and the other by Wargaming on Wednesday. It was the Wargamining Party that had the sexy women dancing around.

Moreover, Sana N Choudary says that YetiZen is not a member of IGDA.


While YetiZen managed to escape the 2013 controversy, it’s 2012 GDC Promo Video does show the same kind of sexy dancers at their 2011 party. Here’s the video:

Generally, parties like this have both male and female dancers, thus blunting any potential criticism.

Stay tuned.

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