Conservative Senate Democrats Sack Assault Weapons Ban: Vote Them Out

harry-reid-evil-mongers Senator Harry Reid (D) Nevada led a group of red-state Senate Democrats who, Senator Reid says, will not back a gun control bill with an assault weapons ban in it, so he took the provision out of the planned gun control legislation. Senator Reid also said that the expansion of background checks may not make the bill either.

See you after the next massacre. This is nuts.

Those Dems in the Senate that are afraid to do this – to avenge the memory of the Newtown Children – will certainly face termination. Indeed, this development is exactly the kind of situation the GOP would need to avoid any real change and try to wrestle control of the Senate away from Democrats in 2014.

What’s needed is a list of Democrats ready to step forward and establish the current order of Dems that fear taking on the NRA. Presidents Obama, Clinton, Reagan have called for and backed assault weapons bans, yet a majority of the Democrats in the Senate can’t do that?

So who do we pressure for replacement?

We have to start with Senator Harry Reid, who I admire, but his feet have to be held to the fire on this matter. Next is Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who has an “A” rating from the NRA. After Manchin, we have Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor, Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, and Montana Sen. Max Baucus, all of which are up for reelection in 2014.

And to think I came to Senator Baucus’ defense two years ago:

Stay tuned.

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