Mads Mikkelsen Update: “The Hunt” Yes, Mads Not At Sonoma International Film Festival, But…

thehuntThis Mads Mikkelsen update: an email to this blogger from a rep was written as if Mr. Mikkelson would be attending the Sonoma International Film Festival. However, internal communications have explained that the actor with the fast-rising star will not be attending the SIFF13, but the film he won the Cannes Film Festival Best Actor Award for in 2012, The Hunt, will be screened.

The screening of The Hunt marks the first time it has been shown at a film festival in America – thus, it’s American premier.

Now, the “but” is a hold out, because Mads Mikkelsen should appear at what will be the U.S. Premier for The Hunt.

Indeed, with the buzz that NBC’s Hannibal, starring Mikkelsen, is getting, he should make a detour back to America between April 10th and April 14th, and have some wine and good food in Sonoma.

Stay tuned.

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