Paul Ryan: In Attacking Obamacare Just Blew Presidential Campaign

Paul Ryan’s a man that, as a Democrat, I firmly believed could be a formidable candidate for President of The United States in 2016 after I met him. Now, with this attack, er new attack, on Obamacare by the Wisconsin Representative from Janesville, I’m firmly convinced Ryan’s not only not interested in being POTUS, but has lost his mind, and has ignored good policy and moral standing to once again oppose the most sweeping reform in health care in decades after its has survived every test, including the most powerful one that led to The U.S. Supreme Court defending the legislation.

Congressman Ryan, who I met and interviewed briefly here:

..has proposed dropping Obamacare to balance the budget.

Ryan says “By repealing Obamacare, and the Medicaid expansions which haven’t occurred yet, we are basically preventing an explosion of a program that is already failing.” Failing at what? Saving lives?

On FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Ryan revealed the intellecutally limp foundation of his objective to go after the already passed and in place Obamacare: “This is what budgeting’s all about, Chris. It’s about making tough choices to fix our country’s problems. We believe that Obamacare is a program that will not work. We believe Obamacare will actually leave the hospitals and doctors and health care providers turning people away.”

In other words, Ryan’s ideological belief should be able to trump the millions of American seniors who want the program in place? Note that Ryan says nothing about budget savings at all, just talks about his beliefs. The good thing about Ryan’s take is that the cats really out of the bag: all of this budget cutting and austerity policy has zero to do with any real concern about the budget, and everything to do with couch potato conservatives’ desire to just mold the World to fit their ideology. They don’t want spending, which creates jobs, by the way, to go to programs that help people.

That’s their entire concern, and it stinks.

In fact, it smells so bad, that even some conservative blogs like The Daily Caller have ran posts that make Congressman Ryan look foolish. Consider this: “Former Bush budget director: Paul Ryan’s budget unrealistic.”

That folks, is not from the Daily Kos, but from The Daily Caller.

Mark that.

Paul Ryan just kissed his presidential campaign goodbye.

Stay tuned.

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