Martin Landau & Richard Anderson At Night Of 100 Stars Oscars Party

For the second year in a row, this blogger interviewed two legends in American Culture, Martin Landau and Richard Anderson. Mr. Landau was excellent in movies like North By Northwest, and Ed Wood where he won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, but I did not know he played most recently as the voice of Mr. Rzykruski in Frankenweenie.

(The trouble is that, at The Night Of 100 Stars Oscar Party, there’s no real warning who will come until they get there, and then no publicist update on what that celebrity has done. So, when Mr. Landau informed me of his role, I should not have been caught off guard, but I was. This was not one of my better reactions, but the whole point of this is to help the star get out his or her message about what they’ve done. So, I’ll take the heat in the effort of making sure that Mr. Landau gets all of the publicity he richly deserves. Mr. Landau is a person who doesn’t get as much coverage as his background demands. )

Here’s Mr. Rzykruski:

Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson is most famous for playing Oscar Goldman in the Six Million Dollar Man, but did you know he also played in Forbidden Planet? That’s right. Richard Anderson played the character of Quinn in what’s widely regarded as the first true popular science fiction movie, the one that made the mold for Star Trek and Star Wars.

The last time I talked with Mr. Anderson, he had an autograph booth at Comic Con in 2012, and enjoyed long lines of fans wanting to meet him for the first time. In the video, Richard said he was going to return to Comic Con, but I didn’t get the impression he was looking forward to it.

I think that’s too bad. Comic Con can be a place where a star can realize a whole new, fresh legion of fans. But the star has to embrace Comic Con to realize that.

Like Mr. Landau, Richard Anderson has a rich background in television that has not been well documented of late. If he continues to keep his face out there, that will change very soon. I know that he’s 86 years old, and wonders what’s next, but this is to inform him that there are many who appreciate his work, and him.

Stay tuned.

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