Christopher Dorner: Gunfire, SWAT, Cabin Fire. Escape? Conflicting Reports

dorner-cabin? Christopher Dorner is said to have been “holed up” in a cabin in Antegua Oaks, California, about five miles from Big Bear, California.

At first, there was video of gunfire between a person said to match the look of Mr. Dorner, but not officially identified as him.

Here’s that video with this blogger’s commentary:

Then, as that video was being producer, it was reported at first, that tear gas was thrown into the cabin and a SWAT team had moved in. What is clear and known is that fire came out of the cabin. Here:

Then, after this video was uploaded, new reports were that Dorner had escaped the cabin, and law enforcement officials did not know where he was. But the cabin’s on fire.

To recap, at 12:22 PDT a report of a stolen car was made in Big Bear. Police located the 2005 Ram truck, chased it to a cabin, and then a gunfight took place. Two San Bernadino Sheriff’s Deputies were wounded, and one died.

As of this writing, we don’t know if it’s Dorner, or if he’s in the cabin, or escaped. The latest reports are that the fire may have been set by Christopher Dorner as a diversion, and that it was not done by law enforcement.

Stay tuned.

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