New England Blizzard; Christopher Dorner Update

New England Blizzard:

As of this writing, New England’s suffering from the impact of the largest blizzard since 1978. According to a number of sources, Boston has almost 3 inches of show, while New York City has almost 2 inches of snow.

The entire northeast is under a severe winter blizzard warning, and people are in doors. In some cities, the police will cite anyone who’s caught walking outside in this dangerous weather. Stay inside.

Christopher Dorner Update:

This newest information on Christopher Dorner, the ex-LAPD police officer who’s AWOL and has allegedly murdered a young couple, and several police officers, is still not only on the run, but completely out of view of pursuing law enforcement officials.

The man who’s ex-girlfriend described as “mentally disturbed and twisted” was fired by the LAPD in 2008, and it’s not clear what he was doing over the last five years, but whatever it was seems to have included forming this plan to attack the Los Angeles Police Department.

This is my video take on the issue:

Stay tuned.

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