Oakland Art Murmur Shooting: Mayor Quan’s Statement

Jean Quan
Jean Quan, Mayor Of Oakland
In the wake of the Oakland Art Murmur / First Friday Shooting of last Friday night, February 1st, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan has issued this statement:

We are deeply saddened about the event that occurred after and near the large
and peaceful First Friday event last night. We offer our prayers to the families of
the victims. The incident took place nearly one hour after the 10 p.m. event
closure as police and security personnel were facilitating the reopening
Telegraph Avenue.

For several years First Friday has been a successful and safe event nationally
recognized for its unique blend of our incredibly diverse and rich local art, food,
and music scene.. It was noted in Oakland’s recent designation as one of the top
12 cities for art in the nation.

Recognizing the positive nature of this organic street festival – and the need to
ensure that it is safe and sustainable – the City joined local merchants and
organizations to coordinate street closures, private security and police oversight.

Unfortunately, no amount of planning and security can provide 100% protection
against gun crimes and random, senseless acts of violence. However, the City is
taking immediate action to assess the security and overall nature of the event and
will meet with our community partners to determine the needed measures to
make sure First Fridays will continue to be safe and successful moving forward.

Simultaneously, the Oakland Police Department is pursuing all investigatory
leads and working diligently to apprehend the perpetrators.

The Oakland Police Department has announced that it’s officers have made an arrest in connection with the crime that saw four wounded, one 18-year-old dead.

Stay tuned.

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