Google / YouTube Prevents Blog Search From Posting YouTube-Related Posts

As of this writing, Google-YouTube is doing evil. It’s preventing any blog related post that has YouTube in its title from showing up in the blog search section of Google’s search engine.

That’s right. If you do a search for “YouTube” and then press the “blog” link to see what blogs are writing, all you’re going to get back is a list of YouTube videos, and not blog posts.

That’s not by accident.

It is apparently Google YouTube’s gaming its search code to control what’s said about it. If you can’t see it in Google’s search, you will not know about it.

This makes me think differently about Google’s ethics and intent. It’s staffers claim to defend free speech, and allow YouTube commenters to use the N-word, but then it seeks to block free speech by preventing blogs from having viewable content about it – good or bad.

Try it yourself. Do a search for, say, Super Bowl, then click on “blogs,” and you get this:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.b2I&fp=52862435104f3e74&biw=1158&bih=680

And note that blogs are listed, like The Huffington Post.

Now search for YouTube, and then click “blogs, and you get this:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.b2I&fp=52862435104f3e74&biw=1158&bih=680

See the difference? The result is all Youtube videos.

That’s not ethical at all. That’s just plain wrong.

Stay tuned.

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