A Christmas Message: Kids Are The Key!

This video has a number of Christmas messages. Most important are that, first, and this is to some of my friends, remember to not just call me when you need something – try and pick up the phone and call me just to see how I’m getting along. And do that because I take time to do that for you.

Second, don’t be afraid to pray to God for guidance. In fact, don’t fear to believe in God. There are some who would seek to attack your faith by asking why you believe, and then siting all kind of pseudo scientific reasons to denounce God.

Remember to just have faith and let everything take care of itself.

And when you’re down, look to kids to guy the way. Kids, and their innocent, honest look at life are the best gauge of where our moral compass really is.

The verdict, judging by the number of happy children I saw at San Francisco Airport – is that we’re all just fine and the economy’s better than we thought.

Merry Christmas!

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