Huffington Post Spikes Blog Post Reporting That YouTube Allows Use Of N-Word

The Huffington Post, a publication I once held in high esteem, now don’t – trashed a column this blogger wrote pointing to YouTube’s reluctance to stop the use of the N-word and by omission of action. The action was the promise that they were going to build a new design which allowed this YouTuber to filter out that word – or whatever word I chose – from the comments section for a video.

As explained here:

Not realizing I still had a Huffington Post account from back in 2007, I decided to post a rather detailed explanation of my history in trying to get YouTube to give me the tools to not allow commenters to litter my video pages an average of 50 times a month with that word. Hey, AdAge let me blog about it. Why not?

Well, the lame folks over at Huff Post sat on the thing for a week, then sent some cryptic, weak-ass email saying they didn’t want to run it. So, you know what? This blogger’s not only not going to post at Huffington Post, but seeks removal of his account. Screw them. I’m serious. The Huffington Post was once a brave publication, but not any more.

And all that because of what happened to me? If you have to ask that, you’re as much the problem as The Huffington Post has become: a defender of the status quo. I’m very disappointed in Arianna Huffington, but then she lost me with her TechCrunch moves against Michael Arrington, even though she recently cleaned up her act. But that pales in comparison to this. Not allowing this blogger to crit YouTube for not addressing this problem is just not right.

Maybe Arianna likes the term? If not, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Sorry folks, but there are times to tell the truth – Monday’s one of them.

Stay tuned.

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