Zig Ziglar Passes, Mitt Romney Visits Obama, Lohan In Trouble

Zig Ziglar, Mitt Romney, and Lindsay Lohan were part of the top searches for Thursday.

Zig Ziglar, the master of motivation, passed away at the age of 86. He told us that failure wasn’t the end, and that we should try again. Zig Ziglar arguably single-handedly created the industry of the motivational spokesperson.

Romney and Obama
Romney and Obama

Gov. Mitt Romney had that lunch with President Barack Obama, and it lasted for a solid hour. Afterward, the White House released this statement:

This afternoon, President Obama and Governor Romney visited for an hour over lunch in the Private Dining Room adjacent to the Oval Office. Governor Romney congratulated the President for the success of his campaign and wished him well over the coming four years. The focus of their discussion was on America’s leadership in the world and the importance of maintaining that leadership position in the future. They pledged to stay in touch, particularly if opportunities to work together on shared interests arise in the future. Their lunch menu included white turkey chili and Southwestern grilled chicken salad.

But the photo reveals a body language that’s cold at best. Perhaps the reality that Mitt actually lost fully hit him? Whatever the case, if a photo speaks a thousand words, it may be sometime, if ever, that Mitt actually is called to do anything for President Obama. One thing’s for sure, however: it’s more likely Mitt gets another call from the President, than Lindsay Lohan.

Lohan was arrested after punching a woman at a nightclub in New York’s Chelsea District. The woman, a psychic named Tiffany, got upset that Lindsay referred to her as a “F-ing “Gypsy,” after Lohan had said she didn’t want to talk, and went off on a verbal tirade at her. Lindsay, who had probably been drinking as had Tiffany, hauled off and punched her. The star of Liz & Dick was arrested at 4 AM Thursday.

Stay tuned.

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