Miranda Ferguson Sets Back Handspring Record, Jalyessa Walker Beats It

Cheerleader Record
Cheerleader Record
In October, Miranda Ferguson, a 16-year-old Texas High School Cheerleader, made 35 back handsprings, setting a new World Record.

But that stood just about over a month, then Jalyessa Walker, another Texan, and a former cheerleader and now Army Lt., beat her, and did so by a good distance. She pushed out 49 back handsprings, and as you can see, she was doing it really fast. Talk about strong!

The one difference that’s a little sad is that Miranda did hers with friends around her, where Jalyessa seemed to be doing it while the audience was totally indifferent. It’s as if she just got out there and did it unexpectedly.

More on that one, later – if there’s something to it.

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