Shiva Rajaraman Of YouTube Reports On The State Of YouTube

Shiva Rajaraman, Director, Product Management at Google YouTube starts Play 2012.

Shiva’s talking to the Play 2012 Conference audience and asked “How many people have used YouTube in the last week?” About 90 percent of the audience raised their hands. But when he asked how many people went on YouTube yesterday, only a handful of people, including this video-blogger, raised their hand. And that’s the point: YouTube wants more people to make the site an every day place to be. That’s YouTube’ challenge.

2 Million Partners

What’s interesting to know is there are over 2 million YouTube Partners now. That’s amazing, because just three years ago, there were 16,000 partners. That number reflects the site’s amazing growth.

Gangnum takeover

Something else too. The PSY Gangnum Style video has taken over YouTube, with over 300 million views in just two months. A record

Stay tuned.

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