Forest Gump’s Mykelti Williamson At Night Of 100 Stars Party

Mykelti Williamson
Mykelti Williamson
If you remember or have recently seen the 1994 hit movie Forest Gump, starring Tom Hanks, you certainly recall the man named “Bubba.” Forest Gump’s Vietnam War sidekick, and later business partner back home in America, was played by Mykelti Williamson.

I had the pleasure of meeting actor and director Mykelti Williamson at the Night of 100 Stars Oscar Party in Beverly Hills on Oscar Sunday. Here’s the video of that conversation:

Mykelti’s still making movies, and is smartly cashing in on the fame of being “Bubba.” His “Bubba style” sauce was launched in March. “Every Bubba that I’ve met can cook and so my brand is more than an homage to Forrest Gump, my brand is for all the Bubbas I’ve met as a result of the movie,” he told the blog

For more on Bubba Style visit here:

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