Cleveland RTA Bus Driver Hits Girl; YouTube Shows Barbaric Society

On September 18th, 2012, in the town of Beachwood, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, and on the Regional Transit Authority Bus Route 5, a 22-year bus driver veteran named Artis Hughes got up out of his bus chair, wound up, and clobbered 25-year-old Shidea Lane with his right fist. He did this after Lane spit on him and hit him, and in retaliation for some very ugly words he tossed at her.

The resulting hit by Hughes was followed up by him tossing her items of clothing onto the street, or trying to, while Lane fought to get back on the bus. In the end, neither Hughes or Lane elected to files charges.

But this blogger’s filing one (sort of) against the YouTube Community for being so barbaric. I’ve never seen a larger group of commenters who openly (well, behind the mask of the YouTube account) stated that they wanted to see a woman be hit in the way Lane was struck, but a man.

Check out these YouTube video page comments, which represent an estimated 90 percent of the respondents:

he did something that the parents should have done a long time ago. he’s old school and when you disrespect old school. you get schooled. you can’t get mad at the guy for trying to do his job. if you think about it. he’s been driving buses for 22-years or so. if you haven’t seen or heard him acting this way during his 22 years of driving. and he suddenly punches a chick, that striked him first and called him names then. it’s not him. it’s the other person.

demarriob 1 hour ago

You don’t have the real story. She got on the bus and kept disturbing the driver. He called dispatch twice and they would not send backup. They said she was “harmless.” Then while the bus was in motion this 25-year old assaulted the driver potentially killing everyone on board. After the driver stopped he removed the potential threat by punching her and removing her from the bus before she actually did end up hurting someone.

This had nothing to do with race or gender.

GreasemonkeyCGI 5 hours ago 27

She probably didn’t press charges because HE didn’t press charges. She assaulted him as well. There’s also a difference between the two videos you showed. One was an adult attacking children. One was an adult defending himself against another adult assaulting him. Man or woman, you should expect that when you attack someone. Women think they can get away with that crap just because they’re women. That’s a sexist attitude.

jaredbradburn 5 hours ago 15

0:36 solid fucking hit bro, keep it up!

AsmellyUN1C0RN 49 minutes ago

Had I been the driver I would have stopped the bus, called in for police because I had been assaulted and informed the passengers that they should remain seated until the police arrived.

After her conviction I would then have contacted my union representative to get her banned from transit services, filling a restraining order as a means to convince the transit authority to ban her.

canucktunes in reply to GreasemonkeyCGI (Show the comment) 2 hours ago

Zennie, I usually agree with you but this time I do not in regards to your presumptions that other incidents had occurred just because this one did. This remains a hasty generalization even if an previous incident had occurred. Or should we assume that the woman also previously harassed a bus driver because this was also shown in the footage ? It would be prejudicial to not apply the presumption of guilt to all of the parties involved.

canucktunes 3 hours ago

That’s a good representation of the over 50 (thus far) comments on the video page. My take is that Artis Hughes should have not made statements that were verbally abusive toward Shidea Lane. In the long-form video I saw, he basically teed off on her, saying she looked like she was ‘scarred-up’ or words to that effect. That’s when she spat on him, and hit him. And while that was wrong, of course, she had an open reason to be angry with the bus driver Artis.

So ask yourself: What would Artis have had to do to come out of this without controversy? Easy. Not said anything insulting; Artis certainly violated that rule. Moreover, there was no good reason for his behavior. Did he snap? Obviously. If so, why did he do it, then?

Stay tuned.

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