Ross Mirkarimi: SF Sheriff And Wife Eliana Lopez Interview On D-Day

As Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi and his wife Eliana Lopez walked up to the main chamber of The San Francisco Board Of Supervisors, they were kind enough to give this blogger the first interview just before what could be called “The D-Day Hearing.” This is the meeting that, if the Board of Supervisors votes 9 to 11 for the motion to dismiss Ross, would cost him his job as SF Sheriff.

I asked the couple how they felt.

“Well, exhausted. This has been a horrible nightmare,” Eliana said. “But at the same time, we are receiving a lot of support, so that gives us a lot of strength to keep fighting. What is happening here is wrong. So here we are as a family, facing this again.”

Ross added “probably some of our weakest moments (were during) if it had not have been the outpouring of support from San Francisco and the Bay Area, as evidenced earlier today in a rally of about several 100 people. Incredible diversity. These are the bright spots. Made what has been an intolerable situation, durable.”

As a result of this matter, and the Mayor’s response, Sheriff Mirkarimi has went without pay, been prohibited from seeing his wife and son Theo, and suffered the bows and arrows of the kind of slander that can be leveled at a public official or public person, and an some irresponsible journalists within the local media.

As this typed, the hearing is going on inside. I am outside of it, as I wanted to get this content up and out.

Stay tuned.

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