Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi’s San Francisco D-Day, Today


After all of the events, trials, and tribulations, today is San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi’s D-Day: the day the San Francisco Board Of Supervisors decides the fate of the popularly-referred-to-as “embattled” politician. It’s rare that the SF BOS has a specially-listed hearing, but that’s what’s listed for Ross.

There are not one but two motions listed on the agenda, starting with this hearing:

[Hearing – Determination on Charges of Official Misconduct Proceedings
Against Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi]
1. 120949
Hearing to consider the recommendation of the San Francisco Ethics Commission
related to the charges of Official Misconduct presented by Mayor Edwin Lee against
Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, pursuant to Charter Section 15.105(a). (Presented by Mayor on
3/21/12.) (Received from Ethics Commission on 9/18/12). (Clerk of the Board)
Question: Shall this Hearing be HEARD AND FILED?

And the two motions…

[Determination – Sustaining the Charges of Official Misconduct Against
Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi]
2. 120950
Motion sustaining the charges of Official Misconduct against Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi
presented by Mayor Edwin Lee. (Clerk of the Board)
Question: Shall this Motion be APPROVED?

[Determination – Not Sustaining the Charges of Official Misconduct Against
Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi]
3. 120951
Motion not sustaining the charges of Official Misconduct against Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi
presented by Mayor Edwin Lee. (Clerk of the Board)
Question: Shall this Motion be APPROVED?

The 11-member SF Board Of Supervisors would have to have 9 of its 11 members vote for number 2, and then not vote for number 3 for Ross to be released from his job.

OK, A Brief Recap Of What Happened

In short, SF Mayor Ed Lee suspended Mirkarimi without pay in March, after the Ross took a plea deal: guilty to misdemeanor false imprisonment related to a New Year’s Eve dispute with his wife, Eliana Lopez, who suffered a bruised bicep. The wound was captured on video by the couple’s neighbor Ivory Madison. Ross Mirkarimi was sentenced to three years of probation and fined $590 as well as ordered to undergo one year of counseling and parenting classes.

SF Mayor Ed Lee then took the unprecedentedly wild step of trying to permanently remove Mirkarimi from office. Lee testified before the city’s Ethics Commission in June that he would find it “extremely difficult” to work with Mirkarimi again, and that he thought Mirkarimi committed domestic violence (although Ross was never formally charged with that).

In August, the Ethics commission decided 4-1 in a wild meeting that looked fixed to this blogger, that Ross Mirkarimi committed official misconduct, setting the stage for the supervisors’ vote on whether to oust him.

If you’re just seeing this, here’s what happened in Ross’ own words via video:

The hearing’s at 2 PM today. Follow Zennie62 on Twitter and on Tout.

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