Zennie62Media Lays Out 5 Health Risks For Bloggers

In 2012, A United Kingdom blog hilariously called The Daily Chump has a post on the five health risks for bloggers and what to do to combat them. It’s too important to just half-post, so here they are, with appropriate credit to The Daily Chump:


A full time blogger may work 15-18 hours a day. They will eat, sleep and breathe blogging. All that time spent sitting and writing may cause exercise and activity to take the back burner. Add an improper diet to that and you may find yourself gaining weight, losing energy, and feeling rundown. Take the time to get up, move around, join a gym, or even go for a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. This will help burn the calories you take in and also offer a chance to clear your mind.

Carpal Tunnel:

Anyone who spends hours a day typing runs the risk of carpal tunnel. This condition is caused by the repetitive movements and improper ergonomics. Carpal tunnel can sneak up and you won’t realize you suffer from it until it is too late. Taking precautions like purchasing an ergonomic pad for typing, using an ergonomic keyboard, and taking frequent breaks can help reduce the effects of carpal tunnel.

Computer Vision:

The longer you look at your computer screen the harder your eyes strain. As our vision develops, our eyes are taught to see a 3D world. Looking at a 2D screen for long periods of time causes our eyes to strain and will lead to what is commonly known as “computer vision”. This is a condition that leads to nearsightedness, headaches, and blurred vision. Look away from your screen every 15 minutes or so and focus on an item in the distance to give your eyesight a rest. Reducing glare, assuring proper lighting, and even leaving your screen for a while can save your eyesight and clear up your vision.


As amazing as working at home sounds, there is a certain amount of stress that comes with blogging. As the online world is in constant transition, it can be stressful to keep up. Taking a break and a walk can help reduce your stress and clear your head. You can actually accomplish more by taking the time to walk away for a while than if you continuously worked and burned out.


Most bloggers will know this to be true, constant thought can create insomnia. This is apparent in writers and those who work jobs where creativity, thought, and problems are a constant day to day task. It may be hard to clear your mind from work and actually fall asleep. For most bloggers this is known as psycho-reactive insomnia, caused by the inability to shut your thoughts off. Find out when you are the most tired in the evening. 20 minutes before that time, take a warm bath, drink a warm beverage, write down the thoughts you have so they are off your mind, and lay in bed. Don’t “try” to fall asleep, just let it happen naturally.

Diet and activity are of the utmost importance. Make sure you get three-to-five meals a day, don’t excessively drink, don’t smoke, and drink a ton of water daily.

Next, watch for the Zennie62Media update called “5 Health Risks for Vloggers”.

Stay tuned.

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