Oakland News: White Male Robbers Mark Adams Point First

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan
Oakland’s used to hearing about the focus of crimes being Black or Latino males – well, we have a turning point. Perhaps a combination of the changing demographics of Oakland, and a large influx of young people who are white, and the overall high unemployment in Oakland, and other factors, but the fact remains, this message posted at the Adams Point 14x Yahoo Message Group was totally out of the ordinary for Oakland’s Lake Merritt area, and in particular for Adams Point. In honor, I will call this “The Jean Quan Era” of Oakland:

Hello all,

Please be careful when walking in these neighborhoods at night. My girlfriend and I were robbed at gunpoint Sunday 9/2 at 2:30 AM close to the corner of Crescent and Santa Clara Ave. We were walking a friend to her car late at night and on the return trip were robbed by two white males in their early twenties in black hoodies. One male held the gun while the other collected the items. They both fled on foot. After reporting the incident to the police, they mentioned receiving two separate reports with the same description of the robbers from Friday 8/31 and Thursday 8/30 in 14X and 14Y neighborhoods. It seems these two individuals are roaming our neighborhoods at night. Be cautious and safe.

It must be said: this should bring to an end the fear that some young white couples in Adams Point, and new to Oakland, seem to express when a Black man is walking in the opposite direction on the same side of the street. That was me, headed to the gym.

Stay tuned.

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