Clint Eastwood Should Stop Being Asshole, Back Obama

Look. Its time to call it: Clint Eastwood’s got to stop being a massive asshole and back President Obama.

Look at this Chrysler Commercial he made that aired during the Super Bowl Halftime period. It’s a commercial that would not have been possible without an Auto Bailout Program that gave Chrysler enough financial help to stand on its feet and save jobs.

Yet, Clint Eastwood is backing a guy who would not have helped the same Chrysler that Clint’s happy is coming back? Moreover, Clint Eastwood is happy the Iraq War’s over – a lot of GOPers aren’t. Clint Eastwood stands for a lot of things that Mitt Romney does not stand for, and President Obama does stand for.

So Clint. Stop it. Back President Obama.

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