Oakland’s Mario Juarez and SF’s Rev. Amos Brown At DNC 2012

DNC 2012
DNC 2012
While at the Democratic National Convention, this blogger made a point of seeking out members of the California Delegation to talk to whenever possible. Mario Juarez, who I’m backing for the Oakland City Council District Five Seat, is one of those people. When I saw him, Mario, who’s making his second run for Oakland City Council in four years, was sitting next to Oakland Mayor Jean Quan – they kindly made space for me to sit with them.

Mario talked about the message of the convention, but while he did, the legendary San Francisco civil rights activist Amos Brown was nearby – we had to pull him into the conversation out of nothing but sheer respect. The great Reverend has had some health issues of late, but he’s still going strong.

Stay tuned.

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