Clarence Page Talks Obama, Romney, DNC, RNC with Zennie62

The neat thing about the Democratic National Convention is it allows one the ability to meet some of the legendary journalists and political figures of our time – take Clarence Page. The decorated, Pulitizer-Prize winning columnist was at a table enjoying a pulled-pork BBQ sandwich, when this blogger introduced himself and asked for a video interview. Mr. Page was only too happy to give one!

Though pressed for time – else we could have talked more – Clarence Page talked about the difference between the Republican and Democratic conventions (diversity) and what both President Obama and Mitt Romney had to do in their convention speeches. He said Romney had not given a great speech, but you know that now.

As for how he used New Media, Mr. Page says he’s trying to learn from “young folks” like me. He, and I think rightly, calls New Media “Do It Yourself Media.” He’s correct in that you have a production and distribution studio in your hands. You can get out information to a giant audience for no cost at all, beyond what you pay for Internet and cell phone service.

Stay tuned.

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