Alan Blueford Murder Could Alter Oakland Politics

alan b-blueford
alan b-blueford
Was Alan Blueford killed by the Oakland Police? There’s a small, but growing, group of people who say the Skyline High School student was. But chances are you’re reading this and don’t even know what this story is about. Moreover, there’s a better chance you are reading this and don’t know Oakland.

This is directly from the website Jutice4AlanBlueford, so that all of the info is correctly presented:

Just after midnight on Saturday May 6th (2012), Alan Blueford and two of his friends were waiting for some girls to pick them up on 90th Ave., in East Oakland, after the Floyd Mayweather fight. Not long after Alan had phoned his parents to check-in with them, a car slowly pulled up to them with its lights off. Alan ran. One officer gave chase. A few blocks later Alan was shot by OPD officer Miguel Masso. Masso also shot himself in the foot. Over a dozen witnesses all said that Alan had no weapon and posed no threat to the officer.

DaveyD has blogged and vlogged that the Oakland Police initially reported that there was a shoot-out and Blueford was involved in it. But those who know Alan say that was not the case, and evidence was presented to show that the Oakland Police had allowed a lie to be fashioned and the Oakland Police officer who witnesses claim shot Blueford was said to have shot himself in the foot to cover up the story. Here’s the video of the hearing where OPD messaging got out of control:

Here’s video of a march and rally held shortly after the incident:

And this video is from a picnic event held in his honor:

It’s shockingly that simple. The website also has a list of questions for the City Of Oakland and The Oakland Police:

Why did the police approach Alan and his friends with their lights off?
Why did they give chase when Alan had committed no crime and posed no threat to the officer?
Why was Alan shot three times when he had no weapon?
How did a trained officer shoot himself in the foot?
From the witnesses’ statements, why was Alan not given emergency CPR by OPD?
Why did the OPD change their story to the family several times in the days after the shooting?
Why have they refused to release the coroner’s report, despite the fact that it has been complete for weeks?

Unless the City of Oakland deals with this in a timely and public way, it could boil over in ways that just aren’t predictable. And it will be because of a set of small errors. Take this video, which shows Oakland District Two Councilmember Pat Kernighan text messaging during a hearing on the Alan Blueford Murder. Councilmember Kernighan should know that a camera’s always on her, and that’s certainly true with this case.

Already there have been several angry encounters between people who have elected to take up the cause of “Justice For Alan Blueford” and the Oakland Police, and now as of last night’s Oakland City Council meeting, the Oakland City Council, which called a 10 minute recess after those who took up the Alan Blueford issue visited the City Council, demanding to see the police report from the incident.

What Oakland City Council candidates running for office have to be thankful for is that the organizers of “Justice For Alan Blueford” aren’t large enough or powerful enough to direct votes toward or away from those running – yet. That could rapidly chance if they get their act together. They already have one powerful tool: their own website and access to social media. They just aren’t using it to its full potential.

A Growing Constituency

This video was created at an interfaith gathering on Blueford’s murder. The video description reads this way:

Oakland’s Faith Community Responds to Alan Blueford’s Murder by Police (Fellowship Hall): Alan Blueford, high school senior about to graduate from Skyline High School in Oakland, was gunned down fatally by police on May 6. Come to this meeting with the Blueford family to pray, act, and strategize to make sure that what happened to Alan will not happen to anyone else. In partnership with the Interfaith Tent at Oakland.

Take a good look, because it’s a wide cross section of Oaklanders. Also listen to the story of what happened from their perspective:

And of course, this episode of Oakland Police stopping two black youngsters as they were in front of Awaken Cafe, and pulling guns on them in full view of the public didn’t help the OPD make any case for innocence in the Alan Blueford Murder:

There’s a lot of video and a history that’s building online and threatening to grow to fantastic proportions.

Just letting you know.

Stay tuned.

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