President Obama David Letterman Infomercial A Home Run

Wow! How about the incredible infomercial David Letterman gave President Obama, last night? The Late Show With David Letterman stretched from 11:30 EST to 12:37 EST, running a full seven minutes over time for The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson.

Unfortunately, this CBS posting is not the full interview, and it does a dis-service to the President. This blogger works to avoid editing interviews because unless the editor is working in collaboration with the speaker, the meaning of what the speaker said is lost. President Obama said a lot more about Mitt Romney’s “47 Percent” statement than the video below, or other excerpts, have shown; the full interview is worth seeing.

President Obama had a wide-ranging talk with Mr. Letterman that even covered the debt problem. For those who think the ability to be the “Explainer-In-Chief” was Bill Clinton, President Obama gave him a run for his money last night. The hallmark was when Obama said the reason we have a sound currency is that we’re still seen as a strong economy by the World. That’s something lost on Couch Potato Conservatives like Steve Wynn, who went off on the subject of The Dollar on Pierce Morgan Friday night. Wynn doesn’t get that a weak dollar actually helps America’s GDP by encouraging sales abroad.

But I digress.

Hopefully the rest of the talk is posted. It was a masterful performance by Barack Obama.

Stay tuned.

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