Is The Apple iPhone 5 Tim Cook Event Wrapped In Gay Pride Colors?

Is the Apple iPhone 5 event to take place at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Gardens wrapped in the colors of the Gay Pride Flag, or is it just coincidence?

The much anticipated roll-out of the newest version of the most popular single smartphone produced to date is just moments away, and will feature the presence of Tim Cook, Steve Jobs’ hand-picked successor CEO and former COO (or Chief Operating Officer), who is, by the way, gay.


Not that anyone cares, by the way.  Thankfully.


To mark the event, Apple has contracted to paint the facade of Yerba Buena Gardens in multiple colors that, upon inspection look a lot like the Gay Pride Flag turned vertical.

Of course that view doesn’t rest with everyone, and it could be this blogger’s lived in the Bay Area for too long. The Mac Rumors Forums have a number of different possible reasons for the color scheme:

So let’s see, it’s the normal Jackson Pollock style paint splashes we know and love, just stretched vertica… oh I get it!


Well I think the hint is quite obvious:

The color bands seem to be stretched and blurred vertically, symbolizing the increase in vertical screen estate on the iPhone 5.


Am i the only one who noticed this??

I don’t think that means colorful iPhones or something.

Look at it carefully;
They stretched the home screen of the iPhone.

Purple line = extended pic of iTunes App
Orange line = extended pic of Music App
Colorful lines on the left = extended pic of Game Center App

The next gen iPhone will be taller. 100%


I heard Tim Cook is gonna walk out with platform shoes to bring the event full circle.


I can almost taste the rainbow.

We may never know, but it’s obviously fun to speculate.

Stay tuned.

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