Rep. Barbara Lee: “I Feel An Excitement And Sense Of Urgency” At DNC 2012

DNC 2012
DNC 2012
Congresswoman Barbara Lee, our great California 9th Congressional District Representative, said she felt an “excitement and sense of urgency” in getting out the Democratic Party’s message not just at the Democratic National Convention, but to America between now and the November election. Rep Lee recalled her first time at a DNC convention when she was a delegate for Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman to run for President in 1972, “And I feel that same excitement and sense of urgency,” she said.

“I think that people are coming out of this convention ready to fight hard and help re-elect this president,” she added. And this blogger has to add that at the time we talked, the main floor was just plain rocking with excitement. It was Thursday night, and just as the final DNC segment was starting, with the main event being the then-highly-anticipated acceptance speech by President Obama. You would have to be something less than human to be there, and not be “fired up and ready to go.”

Congresswoman Lee, the lone member of The House Of Representatives to vote against the War In Iraq, said it best: “They know that November 6th will be the time when we determine whether to move forward to a time where America thrives, or go backward to a time where billionaires and millionaires are getting these tax cuts.”

Stay tuned.

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