At DNC Convention, youth, minority voting is the focus (#DNC2012)

Unlike the RNC, the DNC Convention (coverage sponsored by is known for its diversity. And what drives the fact that this cultural stew tastes so good to so many is that Democrats not just mention diversity but take pride in it. Because of that one theme is constant at this convention, and that’s maintaining and courting the youth and minority vote at a time when voter surpression efforts are active around the country.

That was represented most eloquently in my interviews with Obama GOTV head Buffy Wicks and with Jaime Areizaga, the DNC Deputy Director for Hispanic Affairs. Wicks talked to me after giving a rousing address to the Democratic National Convention’s Youth Caucus, and said that the Obama Administration “Wants everyone to vote, Democrat or Republican. It’s important for the foundation of this country that we have accessible voting booths. We support early voting, absentee voting, every which way, we want to make it easy for folks to vote. We want to make sure folks are educated with respect to voter ID requirements. We’re doing a lot of efforts on the ground to assure this.”

Wicks view was echoed by Ariezaga, who I talked to after the Hispanic Caucus’ wrapped up its meeting Monday at the Charlotte Convention Center. Jaime then explained that the 800 Latino Delegates were the largest number in the history of either party, Democrat or Republican, and pointed to San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro’s Tuesday keynote as a milestone, as it’s the first to be given by a Latino elected official in the Democratic Party. Ariezaga pointed to the 800 Latino delegates as a number that reflect “the growing engagement of Latinos in the political arena,” he said.

DNC Delegates Talk Voting For Obama

The need to get out and vote was echoed in my video interview with DNC delegates. One woman, a cancer survivor from Rochester, New York, said “I’m a survivor, like Obama.” A delegate from Tennessee said that it was important to vote not just for President Obama, but for the 25 Democrats in races around the country: “It’s important to vote for the Democratic candidate to get us out of the (Congressional) stalemate we’re in.”

There’s more coming from the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.

Stay tuned.

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