Buy Real Marketing and the drive to grow social media engagement

There’s a company this blogger discovered called ” Buy Real Marketing” which has a large and growing set of members that essentially buy into it, to gain YouTube views, Twitter followers, and other social network platform populations.

For some time this space was very skeptical of the program offered, thinking that the “followers” were not real. Well, in the case of Buy Real Marketing, the followers are very much real and can become very engaged in the content that one puts out – in other words, they’re human.

My personal discovery that programs like Buy Real Marketing are, well, real, has caused me to look again at my original belief and idea that in social media, bigger is better, and more is desireable. It is a byproduct of my concept of social media as social broadcasting.

“..the distribution of text, audio and/or video signals which transmit programs to an audience. The audience may be the general public or a relatively large subset of the whole, such as children or young adults.”

And counting your social broadcasting reach is as easy as counting the number of Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace (yes, MySpace), and other social networking platform followers and subscribers and add them together.

So, give Buy Real Marketing another look, especially if you’re trying to grow your following as a celebrity.

And I’ll have more on that, and the new industry of “Fame building” in another blog post.

Stay tuned.

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