Ryan Lochte: From The Tonight Show To TAO Vegas In One Night

Ryan Lochte, the USA Gold Medal Olympics Swimmer, and best swimmer not named Michael Phelps or Missy Franklin, is living the large party life after his breakout London Olympics performance.

The man who’s Mom said prefers only one-night-stands because of his training work, has had plenty of chances to get them since London – heck, during London. He was spotted partying with his swim mates, including Cullen Jones, out into the wee hours of the morning in that city. And one UK news organization caught Ryan with girls on his lap – one reported to be his sister.

Now, Ryan Lochte’s taken his UK party act to America.

Tonight he appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, then jetted off to Las Vegas and for a party at TAO Nightclub. Note the photos!

Now, the picts came from TAO on Twitter tonight, and are just less than two hours old, so the news isn’t out, yet.

Stay tuned.

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