Charlie Sheen Twitter Account Drops To 105 Followers From 4 Million

Charlie Sheen’s Twitter account, @CharlieSheen which this blogger reported as up-and-running again six hours ago, and after being closed since June, was at just over 4 million followers – now a refresh of the page reveals just 105 followers, which means Sheen’s lost a ton of them in the deactivation and has to play catch-up.

Recall that when the star of Two-And-A-Half Men and Wall Street and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps joined Twitter last year, he set a record for adding followers, gaining 1.3 million in the space of just over a day. By contrast, it took USA Swimming Team Star Michael Phelps all of two weeks to add roughly the same number of Twitter followers.

But as of this writing, all of that’s in the past: he’s at 105 followers, and this blogger’s at 92,107 followers. Let’s see how long that lasts.

Stay tuned.

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