Lauren Perdue Rejection Of LeBron James Loved By White Supremacists

When USA Olympics Team Swimmer Lauren Perdue rejected Miami Heat and USA Dream Team Olympics Basketball Member LeBron James when he asked her to dinner in the dining hall, I figured the racist and ignorant White Supremacists would take note of her action. Especially since Lauren had the nerve to brag in her Twitter profile that she’s a southern girl, which causes some people to think of the confederate flag, white supremacy, and Sweet Home Alabama (ever listen to the lyrics?).

Well, it took a few days longer than I thought it would, but the issue did hit Stormfront, that online trash forum that serves as a place for white supremacists to throw-up their deranged ideas for other equally deranged sympathizers to read.

Here’s some of the comments at the thread called “Lebron rejected by white Olympian” (I recommend you join the site and leave contrary comments that reflect a mentally healthy view – something lacking at Stormfront.)

I tend to think they’re contemptibly stupid ‘tard/kwans rather than sick. They’re simply regurgitating the sick B’nai Brith/Abe Foxman/ADL jewsmedia values the electric jew has been stuffing their empty heads with since infancy. They’re too execrably stupid to reject those values on their own.

As for Lauren, she probably didn’t want to race-mix or commit adultery, and she has more respect for and cares more for Ms. James and her child with Lebron than Lebron does. She also has a measure of self-respect.

And this…

I still think this is the view of most White women more than not, despite all the pessimism on the various WN boards. This quite frankly more reflects my general experience as a student in University. While many girls are most certainly daft(though most men are as well, so this is a condemnation of white men and women alike) and embrace feminism and social liberalism, very few will take it to the extreme of actually dating or having relations with a black person(and most other assorted non-whites). I think the philosophy of my generation is something like this, though today race-mixing is obviously more common to anyone with eyes, most people, while not condemning it for others, even congratulating it, won’t actually do it themselves.

Thanks for doing that, Lauren. Thanks for igniting the stupids in America. Nice going.

And what’s this “Southern girl” crap? Is it some kind of gang sign for being racist? People want to know.

Stay tuned.

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